7 Powerful Tips to Uplift Your Linkedin Profile to an “All-Star” Status
Published by Muneeb Qadar Siddiqui at November 23, 2017 Categories Tags Share on Google+ Your online presence is a double edged sword; it can either be your greatest asset or your biggest liability, depending on how you handle it. Just like building a brand, it is equally, if not more, important to building your personal brand. Here are some of the statistics that will force you to take personal branding more seriously. With companies relying more on information they find online about you instead of resumes and cover letters, you need to be extra cautious about what you post online. LinkedIn, the professional social networking platform, is a great tool in this regard for both employees and employers. With more and more companies stalking your Linkedin profiles before deciding to interact with you, it has become downright indispensable to keep your Linkedin profile updated with the latest information. To help you i...