Looking For A Job? Cut These 5 Things From Your LinkedIn Profile Now
You have less than 10 seconds to catch a recruiter’s attention, so don’t waste time using meaningless filler words. [Photo: Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock] By Anisa Purbasari Horton 4 minute Read Keeping your LinkedIn profile updated is an essential part of a job search. It’s often the first resource recruiters and hiring managers turn to when they want to learn more about you. But because they have so many candidates to look through, their attention spans don’t last long. “LinkedIn Data shows you only have five to 10 seconds to impress a potential employer online,” according to a post on LinkedIn’s official blog . As a job seeker, this means that it’s extremely important to make sure you’re not giving your profile visitors any reason to close their tabs and forget about you. Fast Company reached out to two career experts for tips on what you should cut from your LinkedIn profile. 1. Overused Buzzwords Every year, LinkedIn releases a ...